zaterdag 17 november 2018

Dear Jeffry

I wrote this, in Dutch, two and a half years ago, after Jeffry's suicide.

Dear Jeffry,

I still think that you can come back any moment. And I still do, two and a half years later, it's still impossible that you won't come back. I still think that you will realise you made a mistake, you didn't realise so many persons loved you, loved you unconditionally, just because you are you. At the same time I know, because you were you, that you didn't make a mistake. But for me it was, a mistake.

The thing that made you such a great human being also was your biggest pitfall, your inmense compassion for other human beings. You understood everything, nothing human was strange or weird for you. You listened, you talked, you always made time, you were very attentive, you were perfect the way you are. But you didn't see yourself with the same compassion you saw others. You wanted to be perfect and while you were perfect in our eyes, you were not, in your own eyes.

While you were approaching perfection, because you are so terribly beautiful, smart and pretty and you had your masculine and feminine sides so beautifully balanced and so much more reasons, you weren't good enough for yourself. It was not enough to give you the inner peace you were searching for. And it certainly was not enough to release you from the inmense sadness that you carried with you. That we all knew about but in the end, you kept it for yourself, this inmense sadness. While every single one of us wishes you would have shared it with us, hoping that we could release you from it. While we all fell in love with you because you were you.

And when we went home after spending the day with you, to our children, our partners and pets and when we were sucked into the stream of lives in which our life resolved itself, you went home alone and tried to find peace with everything that your sensitive being had seen and felt, images, feelings and words from the past and present. Something like that.

I wish I had known you were so terribly depressed. You could always have called me, skyped me, whatever. Our door was always open, you could have been part of our family, unconditionally. And when I read all the reactions on Facebook after your death, I know I am not the only one who wished you would have knocked on my door. I am not the only one who wished you had asked for help, being in your darkest moments. I am not the only one who wished I could really have helped you.

I wished I could have been there for you. I wished you had allowed me to be there, exactly on those elusive moments that are so terribly and unreasonably difficult in life. I would have been there with love and dedication. Just like you were always there for others and took care of everyone, with love, understanding, devotion and dedication.

I know you are still here, in another form. That you feel all the love that we all feel for you. I know that once you have passed to the other side, our connection will have another, different form. Two and a half years later: yes it's like that but I still miss you dearly.

For now, I'll send you all my love. I wish you a peacefull passage to your new place. Please don't feel alone on your travel because you are in the thoughts of many, who all wish you the very best.

And secretly, I still hope you will come back. And two and a half years later, I still do. The thought that I will never be able to talk with you is still impossible.

With Love dear Jeffry,


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